World History Maps Interactive Historical Atlas of the Civil War, detail page for:

Michigan, State before Nov 6, 1860 - after Jun 25, 1865

Moses Wisner US Governor, before Nov 6, 1860 - Jan 2, 1861

Michigan election results: Lincoln 88481 57.2%, Douglas 65057 42%, Bell 415 0.3%, Breckinridge 805 0.5%, Nov 6, 1860

Austin Blair US Governor, Jan 2, 1861 - Jan 3, 1865
Michigan included in US Dept. of The Ohio, Nov 9, 1861

US Mountain Dept. created parts of Ohio Michigan Kentucky and Tennessee transferred from Dept. of Ohio Western Virginia transferred from Dept. of Western Virginia Dept. of Western Virginia discontinued, Mar 11, 1862
US Dept. of the Ohio recreated Indiana Illinois Wisconsin eastern Kentucky western Ohio and western Michigan transferred from Dept. of the Mississippi eastern Ohio and eastern Michigan transferred from Dept. of the Potomac, Aug 19, 1862

US Northern Dept. created Michigan Ohio Indiana and Illinois transferred from Dept. of the Ohio, Jan 12, 1864
Michigan election results: Lincoln 91133 55.1%, McClellan 74146 44.9%, Nov 8, 1864

Henry H. Crapo US Governor, Jan 3, 1865 - after Jun 25, 1865